FAQs on Inclusion and Belonging at BAWiP
BAWiP is committed to providing an inclusive space for its members. Below are some of the questions we most frequently field about our membership criteria and how we advance a culture of belonging within BAWiP.
Does BAWiP welcome nonbinary folks? Yes! In addition to welcoming all folks who identify as women, we also warmly welcome nonbinary folks as members and at our events. ​
Do I need to be physically located in the Bay Area in order to be a member? As a general member, you will get the most out of your membership if you’re in the Bay Area and can participate in our in-person events. But Bay Area residency is not required for membership. Similarly, participants in our mentorship program are strongly encouraged but not required to be located in the Bay Area. Applicants for the Robin Seaman Award are required to reside in the Bay Area. ​
Are men welcome at any events? We were founded to serve women and prioritize creating a safe space for women and nonbinary folks. That said, we’re always pleased to receive support from men who identify and act as allies of women and nonbinary folks. If you identify as a man and would like to attend an event, please reach out to our board at bayareawomeninpublishing@gmail.com to determine if the meeting in question is open to the general public. ​
Am I allowed to audit committee and board meetings? Yes! Auditing meetings is a great way to get to know the organization and learn about opportunities to volunteer. We usually hold one open board meeting per year, which is advertised in our newsletter. If you would like to audit one of the monthly committee meetings, please express interest by emailing bayareawomeninpublishing@gmail.com.​
Do you have resource groups/affinity groups? Yes! Our BIPOC affinity group was formed as a safe, welcoming space for BIPOC women and non-binary folks to find community in a white-dominated industry. You don’t have to be a member of BAWiP to join. We hold several in-person meetups a year, which are announced via our newsletter and social media. If you’d like to join the BIPOC affinity group’s online community on Discord, please reach out to bayareawomeninpublishing@gmail.com.​
I’m an author. Is this group for me? Authors are certainly welcome to join and attend events, but BAWiP specifically serves people who work directly (or aspire to work directly) in the publishing industry. BAWiP does not create programming or offer resources for authors. Individuals seeking coaching and advice on publishing or promoting their books will be better served by author-specific communities and organizations.